Billy Liar - Key Scenes

In this scene we get to see some clear inter-generational conflict between Billy and his family.

What are the various things Billy's Father thinks he should do? List them - what do they have in common?

What is Billy's mother attitude to him?

What does the composition of the shot in the kitchen tell us about Billy and his family? (see below)

Here's a clip from Rebel Without A Cause - a Hollywood film about adolescent angst that came out in 1955 - eight years before Billy Liar. Can you see any similarities between the two scenes? What representation of youth are we getting?


Billy and Liz


This is the scene where Billy confines in Liz about his fantasy world and Liz talks about how she turns her dreams into reality by just going for it.

Watcht the clip and compare and contrast Billy and Liz's attitude to life and the opportunities they have. What is holding Billy back? What roles does Billy play in his fantasy?

Compare Billy's and Liz's representation with the type of representation outlined here - which are relevant? Which are less so? Can you explain why?